Resources provide hope. We strive to continually provide resources and opportunities to reach Maasai families with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Child Sponsorship

One of the best ways to get involved in Mission Maasai is to sponsor a child. We partner with the Empukani Primary School to provide uniforms, shoes, food for every day of school, school supplies, and any needs that may come up within the school year.

Disaster Relief

This program is adaptable to the most urgent needs but here a couple of recent examples.
Drought: Kenya is known for its large season of drought ranging from December to April every year. Some years, this drought can last up to 7 months of the year. The Maasai people are herders, but if there is no water, the cattle quickly die off. When this happens, it results in loss of income for our Maasai families. Which in turn leads to lack of food. During the drought season we will provide a month worth of food every month of the drought. In 2019 we had over 600 families come to each monthly food distribution. Pastor Timothy gathers the families, teaches them about the Gospel, and then gives them their food after they have prayed and thanked the Lord for this gift. This food distribution is a time for families to hear how much Jesus loves them, to learn about what he did for them, and to see that the Lord is their provider.
COVID-19: In 2020 we all experienced a change of pace in our lives. No matter what country, tribe, or language you speak, everyone was affected. During 2020 our Maasai families experienced extreme loss of income, food, and water. We saw a need, and we felt called to step in and help. Similar to our drought relief, we provided months of food for families that were suffering from the effects of economic shutdowns.

Equipping the Local Church

Equipping the local church has and will always be the heartbeat behind Mission Maasai. What started with one small church in a little village of Empukani has since turned into 16 church plants stretching across all of the Maasai lands of southern Kenya.
These simple tin roof churches have become gathering places for hundreds of families to participate in prayer, worship and revival. In addition to equipping with resources for church buildings we provide pastoral training, discipleship, Vacation Bible School and other resources to help these Maasai churches serve their local communities.

Health Clinic

Access to quality healthcare is hard to afford in Kenya, especially if you live out in villages like Empukani. The lack of access to simple urgent care, medicine, and preventative health care can cause minor illnesses, accidents, and injuries to be much more serious than necessary.

The Empukani Seminary Lodge

In 2019 Pastor Timothy came to us with a huge vision the Lord had placed on his heart for this building. He felt the Lord calling and convicting Mission Maasai to better equip, disciple, and admonish our pastors and families in the area.
Currently under construction this seminary will be home to pastor training, ministry conferences, economic development conferences, engagement seminars, bible school and more. It will have housing for two long term missionaries or staff and sleep up to 36 visitors. Additionally, there will be a kitchen and dining space. In scripture, Jesus talks time and time again about the importance of breaking bread together. Our vision for this dining area is for it to be a place of fellowship, friendship, and generosity all for the glory of God!

Water Access

The name Empukani literally means ‘place with no water’. The Maasai people live a pastoral lifestyle, and the pursuit of clean water for the people and their animals is a big part of daily life. Our well provides clean water for hundreds of Maasai families.
With a population of 46 million, 41% of Kenyans still rely on unimproved water sources such as ponds, shallow wells, and rivers. Along with this, 59% of Kenyans use unimproved sanitation solutions. This issue is magnified in rural areas. Only 9 out of 55 water services in Kenya provide people with a water supply that is continuous. Statistics show that 19 million people lack access to safe water and 27 million do not have improved sanitation.
Through incredible support, we completed a borehole in 2015. This borehole has a diesel generator, well pump, and distribution infrastructure. There are troughs for the animals and storage tanks for drinking water. This has given the people of Empukani many resources that they did not have before and continues to be a huge blessing to these people.
Now that the well and infrastructure are in place, the ongoing costs for the water system include, diesel for the pump and a maintenance man for the equipment distribution system. Your support will provide the people of Empukani with water for many years to come as well as continue our mission to provide the Maasai people with the life-giving gift of the Gospel.